A. E. Kerdok, S. M. Cotin, M. P. Ottensmeyer, A. M. Galea,
R. D. Howe, and S. L. Dawson, "Truth Cube: Establishing Physical Standards
for Real Time Soft Tissue Simulation," Medical Image Analysis, vol. 7,
pp. 283-291, 2003. (.pdf)
Paper submitted to Caesar's
Workshop on Deformable Modeling and Soft Tissue Simulation (October
Model Construction Details:
Geometry:8cm x 8cm x 8cm cube with a 7x7 array
of 1.58 mm diameter balls spaced 1 cm apart on a rigid 10 cm x 10 cm x
2.75 mm Acrylic base
From left to right: Schematic of Cube, Mold and Resulting Cube, and
the end "product": Truth Cube
Materials: RTV6166 2 part Silicone Rubber mixed in
30:70 proportion and 1.58 mm diameter Teflon balls
Stiffness of unbeaded rubber = 798 N/m (indentation testing)
Stiffness of beaded rubber = 780 N/m (2% difference
which is less than the standard deviation of the unbeaded stiffness (4.4%))
Our Segmented pictures: All beads
tracked over 4 strains, Vector field of
first and last bead locations, Center slice displacement
vector field
Table of internal bead displacement: Center
Slice (including FEM comparison), All
bead positions
Photos of the top of the cube under the three strains:
5%, 12.5%, 18.25%
Spherical IndentationTest:
Same as above, but used 2.54 cm diameter Delrin
sphere mounted on a 4.5 cm long 1.9 cm diameter Delrin cylinder. Also added
4 extra registration spheres at corners.
Test set-up with wieght of plate loading the sphere (22% nominal
Test set-up for 36% nominal strain and Result before scan :(